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Problem Solving

Codeforces Rating System

by REAL IT 2023. 10. 26.

Codeforces Rating System




1.  Legendary Grandmaster   

Div. 1 >= 3000 points Nutella 99.99 less than ten


2.  International Grandmaster

Div. 1 2600-2999 points Red


3.  Grandmaster                     

Div. 1 2400-2599 points Red         


4.  International Master           

Div. 1  2300-2399 points Orange 99. less than thousand


5.  Master                               

Div. 1 2100-2299 points Orange    


6.  Candidate Master               

Div. 1/2 1900-2099 points Violet  > 90 %


7.  Expert                                 

Div. 2 1600-1899 points Blue          


8.  Specialist                           

Div. 2/3 1400-1599 points Cyan > 75%


9.  Pupil                                   

Div. 2/3/4 1200-1399 points Green > 30%


10. Newbie                             

Div. 2/3/4  <=1199 points Gray



Codeforces Problems




See Educational Codeforces Rounds

Solve along the colors


Training with time (Do Virtual)



'Problem Solving' 카테고리의 다른 글

Simple Things  (0) 2023.10.28
Data Structures  (0) 2023.10.28
GPT Rating For Codeforces  (0) 2023.10.26
PS Checklist Calendar  (0) 2023.10.26
Lessons from ICPC  (0) 2023.10.22